Patient Feedback:
From time to time patients will be asked to complete a questionnaire on their views of the practice. These surveys are confidential. We appreciate your comments and suggestions.
If you need to contact the clinic about a compliments or complaints then please email:
For State or Territory health complaints:
Contact SA Ombudsmen: 08 8226 8699
Practice Communication:
Communication including receiving and returning telephone calls, electronic communication, communication with patients via telephone or electronic communication must be conducted with appropriate regard to the privacy and confidentiality of you the patient and your health information.
If personal and health information needs to be discussed or collected over the telephone, the call is transferred to a private room or area so that other people cannot hear the conversation. With written communication if we receive an email we will reply to that email as soon as we can or send a letter to the nominated address.
Email Policy:
Our practice considers our obligations under the Privacy Act before we use or disclose any health information. The Privacy Act does not prescribe how a healthcare organisation should communicate health information. Any method of communication may be used as long as the organisation takes reasonable steps to protect the information transmitted and the privacy of the patient. A failure to take reasonable steps to protect health information may constitute a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and may result in action taken against the organisation by the Australian Privacy Commissioner. What amounts to reasonable steps will depend on the nature of the information and the potential harm that could be caused by unauthorized access to it. The RACGP has developed a matrix is to assist practices in determining the level of security required in order to use email in general practice for communication.
Our practice reserves the right to check an individual’s email account as a precaution to fraud, viruses, workplace harassment or breaches of confidence by members of the practice team. Inappropriate use of the email facility will be fully investigated and may be grounds for dismissal. Our practice does not email documents to patients except in rare circumstances.
Personal Health Information:
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information always and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. If you wish to view your medical records please discuss this with your doctor. Please note that we will not give out any information to anyone including other members of your family without your permission. Please make an appointment with your doctor for any pending results.